Thursday, February 25, 2010

kingsbury friends in february

i've posted a video of pictures from this month. i don't usually post pictures of my school kids, but this is a special group. i looped with them from 2nd to 3rd grade.

we've been learning a lot about other cultures and the importance of respecting people's heritage. after reading our weekly story about a girl from japan, we ate our lunch using chopsticks. the funniest part was when i told the kids it was time to throw away their trash. they all gasped in confusion. few of them were anywhere close to being finished. they realized how much longer it took to eat using chopsticks. so, of course, i gave them some extra time to finish. the following week we learned a favorite game played in china...tangrams. later this week we'll be learning what our names mean in mandarin (chinese) and writing them in black paint.

some highschool students performed a "fat albert" skit to teach us the importance of eating healthy. they even served a healthy snack that looked like a butterfly. the kids loved it!

valentine's day was a beautiful day! the weather was gorgeous (compared to all the snow and ice we've had this winter). we even made a class heart using pink paper.

below is the video.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I loved that! I cannot believe how much those kids have grown. I was surprised to see Allen. I hope he and his family are doing well. Your room looks a lot different too.

    I really enjoyed the slideshow. Let me know if you are ever headed to church with your mom & dad - I would love to see you again!
