Sunday, January 29, 2012

ODP games in birmingham, alabama

both the 98 boys and 99 girls had ODP (olympic development program) regional games in birmingham this weekend. her team played and won three games: 6-1, 5-0, and 2-0. it's incredible to see such talented soccer being played at such young ages.
taegan and hannah mead
peyton mcknatt, joshua moss, and taegan. the guys play on the 98 odp team. they also play for msfc with manuel.
halftime discussion
she played centerback for all three games. she and the other centerback, erin, were the only two girls who were never "sub"ed. she was exhausted. her backline only allowed one goal all weekend. pretty amazing teamwork!

taegan and hannah doing the "irish jig" dance that seemed to be the popular footskill of the weekend. actuall quite impressive. wish i had gotten it on video.

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